Saturday, September 10, 2011

March 2011 - Just lovin' it all!!

In March, when Darren decided to take a position at CIT bank back in Salt Lake City-Utah, we decided to go on a cruise. I mean we lived in cruise capital of America, "so when in Rome...."

Here at the amazing Berry men on a pier in Cozumel I believe.

Rachel, Jared, & I did a "swim with the dolphins adventure" Darren buddied up with little Justin "in town" since has done it in the wild a million times.

Jared's dophin kisses!

Rachel is so photogenic isn't she????

Feeding fresh squid and having a blast!

A beautiful moon reflecting over the ocean, just gorgeous!

Jared loved his henna tatoo he got in Mexico

The cruise was the last time we were together for 3 months - Darren started the job in Utah and the kids and I stayed in Florida until school finished in June. CIT was great about sending Darren back intermittently (even it was for all of 14 hours) - was totally worth it!

Here we are in front of the Norwegian Epic