Saturday, September 10, 2011

March 2011 - Just lovin' it all!!

In March, when Darren decided to take a position at CIT bank back in Salt Lake City-Utah, we decided to go on a cruise. I mean we lived in cruise capital of America, "so when in Rome...."

Here at the amazing Berry men on a pier in Cozumel I believe.

Rachel, Jared, & I did a "swim with the dolphins adventure" Darren buddied up with little Justin "in town" since has done it in the wild a million times.

Jared's dophin kisses!

Rachel is so photogenic isn't she????

Feeding fresh squid and having a blast!

A beautiful moon reflecting over the ocean, just gorgeous!

Jared loved his henna tatoo he got in Mexico

The cruise was the last time we were together for 3 months - Darren started the job in Utah and the kids and I stayed in Florida until school finished in June. CIT was great about sending Darren back intermittently (even it was for all of 14 hours) - was totally worth it!

Here we are in front of the Norwegian Epic

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

February in Florida

Favorite stop after the Everglade trails - "Robert is Here" fruit stand and shake shop with Aunt Becky, Uncle Daniel, Maya & Elijah. We love you guys!!!!!

One of many trips to the Everglades - more specifically Anhinga Trail with all its wildlife (especially gators of course)

Playing soccer on the beach with Aunt Louise and Uncle Don who had a few hour layover at Ft. Lauderdale airport - so glad you got to come see us!

We went with Grandma Andi to the 2nd to last shuttle launch at the Kennedy Space Center - it was soooooooooooo awesome (and quite the adventure)!!!! Andi made the whole difference in the world (she did a 2:00am run to the local truck stop for milk!)

(Unfortunately, the shuttle is blocked by the palm tree,....)

Jared with his pet "Spots" the African dwarf frog

The library next door did a fun Japanese art day - this is awesome Jared's creation
You literally paint a cold, wet fish, then transfer it to paper!

We went to an outdoor animal safari park and saw all kinds of lions, zebras, monkeys, giraffes, etc. Note the how close the rhino is to the side of the car - makes ya a BIT nervous, huh?
The safari park also had a water park, and I love this picture of Rachel, Jared, and Justin together....

Fun in Florida - Look how nice it is in January here!!!

Attempt at a family picture on the beach - won't be seeing this one on the holiday card:)
Though it does document the moment...

Rachel tree-climbing with her girl scout troop - other girls were scared but Rachel was lovin' it!

The kids playing basketball on the back patio....look at that January sunset!!!!

Just a few other close-up pics of the natural wildlife of the Everglades - these pictures were NOT zoomed, we were THAT close!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Other Fun

Making a sailboat with Dad

A favorite activity is to ride our bikes to this park on the intracoastal waters and watch the boats go by

Fun snorkeling days at Red Reef Park with Grandpa Berry!

Yep, 73 and still loving the ocean over Thanksgiving weekend:)
Gotta love Florida weather...